And I think, every politician should have that resolve. Every politician, should not just have a good education tucked under his belt, but should also have an impeccable integrity and a genuine love for public service. I think Barack can stand for a lot of good things about America. And that's good for Americans. And at this crucial time, when the most powerful nation in the world is facing its worst financial crisis yet, their President gives hope, "Yes we can."
The campaign period is finished. But the road is still long ang bumpy. This time, Obama had to fulfill his end of the bargain. He needs to walk the talk. The world would be watching.
Here in the Philippines, I longed for the day when someone steps into the podium and I cringed, not because of disgust but because I admire that person. I believe in his ideals. And I believe that if I give him my vote, he would return the favor.
I have heard Obama speak. I have also read some of his interviews and speeches. Below is a part of an interview from the Chicago Life Magazine (Published, August 2004. Issue, Fall)
"Look, none of us are perfect.
And there's no politician who doesn't at some point
try to avoid conflict
or people who disagree with him,
but I think that what you do want from a politician is that,
when it really counts, they're willing to stand up
for something that they believe in.
And that they're willing to talk honestly
and forthrightly to the voters.
And that they're not going to just sway in the wind
and the immediate pressures of public opinion.
And part of that is them being in it for the right reasons,
regardless of their philosophy --
that they are genuinely interested
in improving people's lives as opposed to
simply following their own blind ambitions.
And in that sense, listen,
there are a number of Republican leaders
who I disagree with but who I think have integrity.
Then there are some Democrats who may agree with me
on every single issue, but I don't trust them at all."
Barack Obama
Barack Obama
The photo above was taken from wikipedia.
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